#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
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namespace | volcart |
| Volume Cartographer library
cv::Vec3d | volcart::CartesianToBarycentric (const cv::Vec3d &pt, const cv::Vec3d &triA, const cv::Vec3d &triB, const cv::Vec3d &triC) |
| Convert a Cartesian coordinate to barycentric coordinate relative to the given triangle. More...
cv::Vec3d | volcart::BarycentricToCartesian (const cv::Vec3d &pt, const cv::Vec3d &triA, const cv::Vec3d &triB, const cv::Vec3d &triC) |
| Convert a barycentric coordinate relative to the given triangle to a Cartesian coordinate. More...
bool | volcart::BarycentricPointIsInTriangle (const cv::Vec3d &pt) |
| Check whether a barycentric coordinate is bounded by the given triangle.
cv::Vec3d | volcart::BarycentricNormalInterpolation (const cv::Vec3d &uvw, const cv::Vec3d &nA, const cv::Vec3d &nB, const cv::Vec3d &nC) |
| Use Barycentric coordinates to smoothly interpolate a normal.
bool | volcart::CartesianPointIsInTriangle (const cv::Vec3d &pt, const cv::Vec3d &triA, const cv::Vec3d &triB, const cv::Vec3d &triC) |
| Check whether a Cartesian coordinate is bounded by the given triangle.