Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
Namespaces | Classes | Typedefs | Enumerations | Functions | Variables
volcart Namespace Reference

Volume Cartographer library More...


namespace  color
 Color constants.
namespace  experimental
 Experimental algorithms and utilities library.
namespace  filesystem
 Alias for std::filesystem
namespace  io
 IO classes.
namespace  landmarks
 Volume landmark classes.
namespace  logging
 Logging utilities.
namespace  meshing
 Mesh generation and modification library.
namespace  meshmath
 Mesh mathematical operations.
namespace  segmentation
 Segmentation algorithms and utilities library
namespace  shapes
 Shape and mesh primitives.
namespace  testing
 Project testing utilities library.
namespace  texturing
 Texturing and parameterization algorithms and utilities library.


class  ABFNode
 Parameterize a mesh using ABF++. More...
class  AffineTransform
 3D affine transform More...
class  AlignUVMapToAxisNode
 Rotate a UVMap to align a specified volume axis to the -V direction of UV space. More...
struct  Annotation
 Segmentation annotation. More...
class  ApplyTransformNode
 Template node for applying 3D transforms to objects. More...
struct  auto_mmap_info
 Memmap record which automatically unmaps the file on destruction. More...
class  BoundingBox
 Generic axis-aligned bounding box class for operations in N-dimensions. More...
class  Cache
 Abstract Base Class for Key-Value Caches. More...
class  CalculateNeighborhoodRadiusNode
 Auto-calculate a texturing neighborhood's 3D radius in voxels given the expected layer thickness and the texturing Volume's voxel size. More...
class  CalculateNumVertsNode
 Calculate the number of vertices required to produce a particular resampling density factor. More...
struct  CannySettings
class  CompositeTextureNode
 Generate a texture image using a variety of composite volume filters. More...
class  CompositeTransform
 Collection of transforms. More...
class  CuboidGenerator
 Class for generating box-like neighborhoods from a point in a Volume. More...
class  DiskBasedObjectBaseClass
 Base class for objects stored on disk with an associated metadata file. More...
class  EnumerateIterable
class  FlatteningErrorNode
 Calculate the L2 and LInf stretch between a 2D and 3D mesh. More...
class  FlipUVMapNode
 Flip a UVMap across one or both of its axes. More...
class  IdentityTransform
 Identity transform. More...
class  IntegralTextureNode
 Generate a Texture by taking the discrete integral (summation) of the neighborhood adjacent to a point. More...
class  IntersectionTextureNode
 Generate a Texture by intersection with a Volume. More...
class  InvertTransformNode
 Return the inverted transform. More...
class  IOException
 IO operation exception. More...
struct  IterationsProgress
 Mixin type for classes which report their progress. More...
class  LaplacianSmoothMeshNode
 Apply Laplacian smoothing to a mesh. More...
class  LayerTextureNode
 Generate a Texture of layered images. More...
class  LineGenerator
 Class for generating line-like neighborhoods from a point in a Volume. More...
class  LoadImageNode
 Read an image from the specified path. More...
class  LoadMeshNode
 Read a mesh from a file. More...
class  LoadPPMNode
 Read a PerPixelMap from disk. More...
class  LoadTransformNode
 Load a transform from a JSON file. More...
class  LoadVolumePkgNode
 Load a VolumePkg from disk. More...
class  LoadVolumetricMaskNode
 Load a VolumetricMask from a .vcps file. More...
class  LRUCache
 Least Recently Used Cache. More...
class  MeshingNode
 Generate an ordered mesh from an OrderedPointSet. More...
class  MeshPropertiesNode
 Retrieve Mesh properties (e.g. number of vertices, number of faces, etc.) More...
struct  MeshReaderResult
 Result for ReadMesh. More...
struct  MeshWriterOpts
 General options for WriteMesh. More...
class  Metadata
 Generic interface for storing metadata as key/value pairs. More...
struct  mmap_info
 Memmap record. More...
class  NDArray
 Dynamically-allocated N-Dimensional Array. More...
class  NeighborhoodGenerator
 Base class for neighborhood generating classes. More...
class  NeighborhoodGeneratorNode
 Configure a NeighborhoodGenerator for use by a texturing algorithm. More...
struct  NoOpMutex
class  OrderedPointSet
 Holds a collection of ordered points. More...
class  OrientNormalsNode
 Orient vertex normals towards a reference point. More...
class  OrthographicFlatteningNode
 Computes a 2D parameterization of a triangular mesh using orthographic projection. More...
class  PerPixelMap
 A raster of a UVMap that provides a per-pixel mapping between a Volume and a Texture generated from that volume. More...
class  PlotLStretchErrorNode
 Plot per-face L stretch error metrics. More...
class  PlotUVMapNode
 Plot the UV points on an image. More...
class  PointSet
 Holds a collection of points. More...
class  PointSetIO
 Read and write PointSet and OrderedPointSet. More...
class  PPMGeneratorNode
 Generates a PerPixelMap from an ITKMesh and a UVMap. More...
class  PPMPropertiesNode
 Retrieve PerPixelMap properties (e.g. mask, cell map, etc.) More...
struct  ProjectInfo
class  Range2DIterable
 Provides an iterable range of 2D number pairs with optional step size. More...
class  RangeIterable
 Provides an iterable range of numbers with optional step size. More...
class  Render
 Render data. More...
class  ResampleMeshNode
 Mesh resampling using Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams. More...
class  Reslice
 An image generated by intersecting a plane with a Volume. More...
class  RotateUVMapNode
 Rotate a UVMap by a multiple of 90 degrees. More...
class  ScaleMeshNode
 Scale an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor. More...
class  Segmentation
 Segmentation data. More...
class  SegmentationPropertiesNode
 Retrieve Segmentation properties (e.g. pointset) More...
class  SegmentationSelectorNode
 Get a Segmentation by uuid. More...
class  Signal
 Basic signal class for implementing event callbacks. More...
struct  SimpleMesh
class  SkyscanMetadataIO
 Read a Skyscan metadata log. More...
class  Tensor3D
 A 3rd-order tensor object. More...
struct  TexturedMesh
 Convenience type for textured meshes. More...
class  ThicknessTextureNode
 Generate a Texture using the thickness of the segmented layer. More...
class  Transform3D
 Base class for 3D transforms. More...
class  TransformMeshNode
 Apply a transform to an ITKMesh. More...
class  TransformPPMNode
 Apply a transform to a PerPixelMap. More...
class  TransformSelectorNode
 Get a transform by ID. More...
class  UVMap
 Stores per-vertex UV mappings. More...
class  UVMapToMeshNode
 Convert a UVMap to a mesh. More...
struct  Vec3Hash
class  Volume
 Volumetric image data. More...
class  VolumeMask
 Per-voxel Segmentation State Mask for Volumes. More...
class  VolumePkg
 The interface to the VolumePkg (.volpkg) file format. More...
class  VolumePkgPropertiesNode
 Retrieve VolumePkg properties (e.g. name, version, etc.) More...
class  VolumePropertiesNode
 Set/Retrieve Volume properties (voxel size, bounds, etc.) More...
class  VolumeSelectorNode
 Get a Volume by uuid. More...
class  VolumetricMask
 Stores per-voxel mask information for a volume. More...
class  WriteImageNode
 Write image to the specified path. More...
struct  WriteImageOpts
class  WriteImageSequenceNode
class  WriteMeshNode
 Write a mesh to a file. More...
class  WritePPMNode
 Write a PerPixelMap to disk. More...


using EigenValue = double
using EigenVector = cv::Vec3d
using EigenPairs = std::array< std::pair< EigenValue, EigenVector >, 3 >
using StructureTensor = cv::Matx33d
using Neighborhood = NDArray< std::uint16_t >
 N-dimensional neighborhood class. More...
using AnnotationFlag = std::uint8_t
using AnnotationSet = OrderedPointSet< Annotation >
 Ordered annotation collection. More...
using Color = cv::Vec3b
 Color type. More...
using DictionaryEntryKey = std::string
using Dictionary = std::unordered_map< DictionaryEntryKey, DictionaryEntryType >
using Library = std::unordered_map< int, Dictionary >
using Vec3iHash = Vec3Hash< cv::Vec3i >
ITK Mesh
using ITKPixel = itk::Vector< double, 3 >
using ITKMeshTraits = itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< ITKPixel, 3, 3, double, double, ITKPixel >
using ITKMesh = itk::Mesh< ITKPixel, 3, ITKMeshTraits >
using ITKPoint = ITKMesh::PointType
using ITKCell = ITKMesh::CellType
using ITKTriangle = itk::TriangleCell< ITKCell >
using ITKPointsContainer = ITKMesh::PointsContainer
using ITKPointsLocator = itk::PointsLocator< ITKPointsContainer >
using ITKPointIterator = ITKPointsContainer::ConstIterator
using ITKCellIterator = ITKMesh::CellsContainer::Iterator
using ITKPointInCellIterator = ITKCell::PointIdIterator
ITK QuadEdgeMesh
using QuadPixel = std::array< double, 3 >
using QuadVector = itk::Vector< double, 3 >
using QuadTraits = itk::QuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits< QuadVector, 3, 2, double, double, QuadVector, bool, bool >
using QuadEdgeMesh = itk::QuadEdgeMesh< double, 3, QuadTraits >
using QuadPoint = QuadEdgeMesh::PointType
using QuadPointIdentifier = QuadEdgeMesh::PointIdentifier
using QuadCell = QuadEdgeMesh::CellType
using QuadCellIdentifier = QuadEdgeMesh::CellIdentifier
using QuadTriangleCell = itk::TriangleCell< QuadCell >
using QuadPointsContainer = QuadEdgeMesh::PointsContainer
using QuadPointsInMeshIterator = QuadEdgeMesh::PointsContainer::ConstIterator
using QuadCellIterator = QuadEdgeMesh::CellsContainer::Iterator
using QuadPointsInCellIterator = QuadCell::PointIdIterator
using QuadMeshQE = QuadEdgeMesh::QEType
using QuadMeshIteratorGeom = QuadMeshQE::IteratorGeom
using QuadEdgeList = QuadEdgeMesh::EdgeListType
using QuadEdgeListPointer = QuadEdgeMesh::EdgeListPointerType
using QuadEdgeListIterator = QuadEdgeList::iterator


enum class  IOMode { ASCII = 0 , BINARY }
 IO Mode for file readers/writers. More...
enum class  Direction { Negative = -1 , Bidirectional = 0 , Positive = 1 }
 Neighborhood directional filtering options. More...
enum class  DictionaryEntryType { String , Int , Double }
enum class  ColorMap {
  ColorMap::Magma = 0 , ColorMap::Inferno , ColorMap::Plasma , ColorMap::Viridis ,
  ColorMap::Phase , ColorMap::BWR
 Built-in color maps. More...
enum class  MemoryStringFormat { Int , Float }


auto ReadImage (const filesystem::path &path) -> cv::Mat
 Read an image from the specified path. More...
void WriteImage (const filesystem::path &path, const cv::Mat &img, WriteImageOpts={})
 Write image to the specified path. More...
template<class Iterable >
void WriteImageSequence (const filesystem::path &path, const Iterable &iterable, const WriteImageOpts &opts={})
auto ReadMesh (const filesystem::path &path) -> MeshReaderResult
 Read a mesh from a file. More...
void WriteMesh (const filesystem::path &path, const ITKMesh::Pointer &mesh, const UVMap::Pointer &uv=nullptr, const cv::Mat &texture=cv::Mat(), const MeshWriterOpts &opts={})
 Write a mesh to a file. More...
StructureTensor ComputeVoxelStructureTensor (const Volume::Pointer &volume, int vx, int vy, int vz, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
 Compute the structure tensor for a voxel position. More...
StructureTensor ComputeVoxelStructureTensor (const Volume::Pointer &volume, const cv::Vec3i &index, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
StructureTensor ComputeSubvoxelStructureTensor (const Volume::Pointer &volume, double vx, double vy, double vz, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
 Compute the structure tensor for a subvoxel position. More...
StructureTensor ComputeSubvoxelStructureTensor (const Volume::Pointer &volume, const cv::Vec3d &index, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
EigenPairs ComputeVoxelEigenPairs (const Volume::Pointer &volume, int x, int y, int z, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
 Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the structure tensor for a voxel position. More...
EigenPairs ComputeVoxelEigenPairs (const Volume::Pointer &volume, const cv::Vec3i &index, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
EigenPairs ComputeSubvoxelEigenPairs (const Volume::Pointer &volume, double x, double y, double z, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
 Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the structure tensor for a subvoxel position. More...
EigenPairs ComputeSubvoxelEigenPairs (const Volume::Pointer &volume, const cv::Vec3d &index, int radius=1, int kernelSize=3)
template<typename DType >
Tensor3D< DType > ComputeVoxelNeighbors (const Volume::Pointer &volume, const cv::Vec3i &center, std::int32_t rx, std::int32_t ry, std::int32_t rz)
 Get an axis-aligned cuboid subvolume centered on a voxel. More...
template<typename DType >
Tensor3D< DType > ComputeSubvoxelNeighbors (const Volume::Pointer &volume, const cv::Vec3d &center, int rx, int ry, int rz, const cv::Vec3d &xvec={1, 0, 0}, const cv::Vec3d &yvec={0, 1, 0}, const cv::Vec3d &zvec={0, 0, 1})
 Get an axis-aligned cuboid subvolume centered on a subvoxel. More...
void WriteAnnotationSet (const filesystem::path &path, const AnnotationSet &as)
 Write an AnnotationSet to disk.
auto ReadAnnotationSet (const filesystem::path &path) -> AnnotationSet
 Load an AnnotationSet from disk.
void DeepCopy (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, const ITKMesh::Pointer &output, bool copyVertices=true, bool copyFaces=true)
 Create exact copy of ITKMesh. More...
auto DeepCopy (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, bool copyVertices=true, bool copyFaces=true) -> ITKMesh::Pointer
 Create exact copy of ITKMesh. More...
auto operator* (const Transform3D::Pointer &lhs, const Transform3D::Pointer &rhs) -> Transform3D::Pointer
 Compose transform convenience operator. More...
auto ApplyTransform (const ITKMesh::Pointer &mesh, const Transform3D::Pointer &transform, bool normalize=true) -> ITKMesh::Pointer
 Apply a transform to an ITKMesh.
auto ApplyTransform (const PerPixelMap &ppm, const Transform3D::Pointer &transform, bool normalize=true) -> PerPixelMap
 Apply a transform to a PerPixelMap.
auto ApplyTransform (const PerPixelMap::Pointer &ppm, const Transform3D::Pointer &transform, bool normalize=true) -> PerPixelMap::Pointer
 Apply a transform to a PerPixelMap::Pointer.
template<class PointSetT >
auto ApplyTransform (const PointSetT &ps, const Transform3D::Pointer &transform) -> PointSetT
 Apply a transform to a PointSet. More...
cv::Mat ApplyLUT (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Mat &lut, float min, float max, bool invert=false)
 Apply a LUT to an image. More...
cv::Mat ApplyLUT (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Mat &lut, float min, float mid, float max, bool invert=false)
 Apply a LUT to an image. More...
cv::Mat ApplyLUT (const cv::Mat &img, const cv::Mat &lut, bool invert=false, const cv::Mat &mask=cv::Mat())
 Apply a LUT to an image. More...
cv::Mat GenerateLUTScaleBar (const cv::Mat &lut, bool invert=false, std::size_t height=36, std::size_t width=256)
 Generate a LUT scale bar image. More...
cv::Vec3d CartesianToBarycentric (const cv::Vec3d &pt, const cv::Vec3d &triA, const cv::Vec3d &triB, const cv::Vec3d &triC)
 Convert a Cartesian coordinate to barycentric coordinate relative to the given triangle. More...
cv::Vec3d BarycentricToCartesian (const cv::Vec3d &pt, const cv::Vec3d &triA, const cv::Vec3d &triB, const cv::Vec3d &triC)
 Convert a barycentric coordinate relative to the given triangle to a Cartesian coordinate. More...
bool BarycentricPointIsInTriangle (const cv::Vec3d &pt)
 Check whether a barycentric coordinate is bounded by the given triangle.
cv::Vec3d BarycentricNormalInterpolation (const cv::Vec3d &uvw, const cv::Vec3d &nA, const cv::Vec3d &nB, const cv::Vec3d &nC)
 Use Barycentric coordinates to smoothly interpolate a normal.
bool CartesianPointIsInTriangle (const cv::Vec3d &pt, const cv::Vec3d &triA, const cv::Vec3d &triB, const cv::Vec3d &triC)
 Check whether a Cartesian coordinate is bounded by the given triangle.
auto Canny (cv::Mat src, const CannySettings &settings) -> cv::Mat
 Perform Canny edge segmentation on an image.
std::string ColorMapToString (ColorMap cm)
 Get the string name of a ColorMap.
ColorMap ColorMapFromString (const std::string &str)
 Get a ColorMap from its string name.
cv::Mat GetColorMapLUT (ColorMap cm, std::size_t bins=256)
 Get a color map LUT for use with ApplyLUT.
cv::Mat GetColorMapLUT (const std::string &name, std::size_t bins=256)
 Get a color map LUT for use with ApplyLUT.
auto DateTime () -> std::string
 Returns a string representation of the current date and time. More...
template<typename Rep , typename Period >
auto DurationToString (std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period > input) -> std::string
 Returns a string representation of the provided time duration. More...
template<typename Duration = std::chrono::milliseconds>
auto DurationFromString (const std::string &str) -> Duration
 Convert a duration string to a a std::chrono duration. More...
template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, bool > = true>
auto AlmostEqual (const T lhs, const T rhs, T epsAbs=static_cast< T >(DEFAULT_MAX_DIFFERENCE), T epsRel=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon()) -> bool
 Compare if two floating-point numbers are "almost equal". More...
std::string FormatStrToRegexStr (const std::string &s)
 Converts a printf-style format string to a std::regex string. More...
auto DepthToString (int depth) -> std::string
 Convert an OpenCV depth enum value to a human-readable string.
auto QuantizeImage (const cv::Mat &m, int depth=CV_16U, bool scaleMinMax=true) -> cv::Mat
 Convert image to specified depth using max scaling. More...
auto ColorConvertImage (const cv::Mat &m, int channels=1) -> cv::Mat
 Convert image to specified number of channels.
template<typename T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const RangeIterable< T > &it)
template<typename T >
auto range (T stop)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
auto range (T0 start, T1 stop)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 >
auto range (T0 start, T1 stop, T2 step)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 >
auto range2D (T0 vStop, T1 uStop)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 >
auto range2D (T0 vStart, T1 vStop, T2 uStart, T3 uStop)
template<typename T0 , typename T1 , typename T2 , typename T3 , typename T4 >
auto range2D (T0 vStart, T1 vStop, T2 uStart, T3 uStop, T4 step)
template<class Iterable >
auto enumerate (Iterable &&it)
 Wrap an Iterable into a new one whose iterators return an [index, value] pair. More...
template<typename... Args>
EnumerateIterable< std::vector< std::common_type_t< Args... > > > enumerate (Args &&... args)
 Wrap an Iterable into a new one whose iterators return an [index, value] pair. More...
static std::size_t LinearNeighborhoodSize (double radius, double interval, Direction dir)
 Return the size of a Linear Neighborhood calculated with the given parameters. More...
auto Logger () -> std::shared_ptr< spdlog::logger >
 Volume Cartographer global logger.
auto MemmapFile (const filesystem::path &path) -> mmap_info
 Memory map a file. More...
auto UnmapFile (mmap_info &mmap_info) -> int
 Unmap a memory mapped file. More...
auto memmap_supported () -> bool
std::size_t MemorySizeStringParser (const std::string &s)
 Converts strings describing memory sizes to byte values. More...
std::string BytesToMemorySizeString (std::size_t bytes, const std::string &suffix="GB", MemoryStringFormat fmt=MemoryStringFormat::Int)
static void to_upper (std::string &s)
 Convert string characters to upper case (in place) More...
static std::string to_upper (std::string &&s)
 Convert string characters to upper case (r-value) More...
static std::string to_upper_copy (std::string s)
 Convert string characters to upper case (copy) More...
static void to_lower (std::string &s)
 Convert string characters to lower case (in place) More...
static std::string to_lower (std::string &&s)
 Convert string characters to lower case (r-value) More...
static std::string to_lower_copy (std::string s)
 Convert string characters to lower case (copy) More...
static auto to_bool (const std::string &s) -> bool
 Convert a string to a bool. More...
static void trim_left (std::string &s)
 Left trim (in place) More...
static std::string trim_left (std::string &&s)
 Left trim (r-value) More...
static std::string trim_left_copy (std::string s)
 Left trim (copy) More...
static void trim_right (std::string &s)
 Right trim (in place) More...
static std::string trim_right (std::string &&s)
 Right trim (r-value) More...
static std::string trim_right_copy (std::string s)
 Right trim (copy) More...
static void trim (std::string &s)
 Trim from both ends (in place) More...
static std::string trim (std::string &&s)
 Trim from both ends (r-value) More...
static std::string trim_copy (std::string s)
 Right trim (copy) More...
template<typename... Ds>
static std::vector< std::string > split (const std::string &s, const Ds &... ds)
 Split a string by a delimiter. More...
static auto partition (std::string_view s, std::string_view sep) -> std::tuple< std::string, std::string, std::string >
 Partition a string by a separator substring. More...
template<typename Integer , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< Integer >, bool > = true>
auto to_padded_string (Integer val, const int padding, const char fill='0') -> std::string
 Convert an Integer to a padded string. More...
void RegisterNodes ()
 Register all VC provided nodes with the smgl library.


constexpr auto IsFileType = io::FileExtensionFilter
constexpr auto IsUnixHiddenFile = io::UnixHiddenFileFilter
static const auto ZERO_STRUCTURE_TENSOR
static constexpr AnnotationFlag ANNO_NONE = 0x0000
static constexpr AnnotationFlag ANNO_ANCHOR = 0x0001
static constexpr AnnotationFlag ANNO_MANUAL = 0x0002
static constexpr AnnotationFlag ANNO_USED_IN_RUN = 0x0004
static const cv::Vec2d NULL_MAPPING {-1, -1}
static constexpr int VOLPKG_VERSION_LATEST = 7
 Volume Package version generated by this release More...
const Dictionary V7
const Dictionary V6 = V7
const Dictionary V5 = V6
const Dictionary V4 = V5
const Dictionary V3
const Dictionary V2
const Dictionary V1
static constexpr double DEFAULT_MAX_DIFFERENCE = 1e-7

Detailed Description

Volume Cartographer library

Typedef Documentation

◆ AnnotationFlag

using volcart::AnnotationFlag = typedef std::uint8_t

Annotation flags

Definition at line 15 of file Annotation.hpp.

◆ AnnotationSet

Ordered annotation collection.

Definition at line 41 of file Annotation.hpp.

◆ Color

using volcart::Color = typedef cv::Vec3b

Color type.

8-bit unsigned int in BGR order

Definition at line 18 of file Color.hpp.

◆ Dictionary

using volcart::Dictionary = typedef std::unordered_map<DictionaryEntryKey, DictionaryEntryType>

Holds a set of key-value pairs that map JSON metadata keys to the expected type of the value. A template for the structure of a VolumePkg's metadata.

Definition at line 48 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ DictionaryEntryKey

using volcart::DictionaryEntryKey = typedef std::string

Dictionary entry

Definition at line 39 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ EigenPairs

using volcart::EigenPairs = typedef std::array<std::pair<EigenValue, EigenVector>, 3>

EigenPair type

Definition at line 25 of file StructureTensor.hpp.

◆ EigenValue

using volcart::EigenValue = typedef double

Eigenvalue type

Definition at line 19 of file StructureTensor.hpp.

◆ EigenVector

using volcart::EigenVector = typedef cv::Vec3d

Eigenvector type

Definition at line 22 of file StructureTensor.hpp.

◆ ITKCell

using volcart::ITKCell = typedef ITKMesh::CellType

ITK Mesh Generic Face

Definition at line 28 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKCellIterator

using volcart::ITKCellIterator = typedef ITKMesh::CellsContainer::Iterator

ITK Mesh Cell Iterator

Definition at line 43 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKMesh

using volcart::ITKMesh = typedef itk::Mesh<ITKPixel, 3, ITKMeshTraits>

ITK Mesh

Definition at line 22 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKMeshTraits

using volcart::ITKMeshTraits = typedef itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits<ITKPixel, 3, 3, double, double, ITKPixel>

ITK Mesh base properties

Definition at line 18 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKPixel

using volcart::ITKPixel = typedef itk::Vector<double, 3>

ITK Vertex/Pixel base properties

Definition at line 15 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKPoint

using volcart::ITKPoint = typedef ITKMesh::PointType

ITK Mesh Vertex

Definition at line 25 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKPointInCellIterator

using volcart::ITKPointInCellIterator = typedef ITKCell::PointIdIterator

ITK Mesh Vertex ID In Cell Iterator

Definition at line 46 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKPointIterator

using volcart::ITKPointIterator = typedef ITKPointsContainer::ConstIterator

ITK Mesh Point Iterator

Definition at line 40 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKPointsContainer

using volcart::ITKPointsContainer = typedef ITKMesh::PointsContainer

ITK Mesh Point Container

Definition at line 34 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKPointsLocator

using volcart::ITKPointsLocator = typedef itk::PointsLocator<ITKPointsContainer>

ITK Mesh Point Locator

Definition at line 37 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ ITKTriangle

using volcart::ITKTriangle = typedef itk::TriangleCell<ITKCell>

ITK Mesh Triangular Face

Definition at line 31 of file ITKMesh.hpp.

◆ Library

using volcart::Library = typedef std::unordered_map<int, Dictionary>

Holds a set of key-value pairs that map version number keys to a specific Dictionary of metadata mappings.

Definition at line 54 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ QuadCell

using volcart::QuadCell = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::CellType

ITK QEM Generic Face

Definition at line 46 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadCellIdentifier

using volcart::QuadCellIdentifier = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::CellIdentifier


Definition at line 49 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadCellIterator

using volcart::QuadCellIterator = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::CellsContainer::Iterator

ITK QEM Face Iterator

Definition at line 61 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadEdgeList

using volcart::QuadEdgeList = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::EdgeListType

ITK QEM Edge List

Definition at line 73 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadEdgeListIterator

using volcart::QuadEdgeListIterator = typedef QuadEdgeList::iterator

ITK QEM Edge List Iterator

Definition at line 79 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadEdgeListPointer

using volcart::QuadEdgeListPointer = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::EdgeListPointerType

ITK QEM Edge List Pointer

Definition at line 76 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadEdgeMesh

using volcart::QuadEdgeMesh = typedef itk::QuadEdgeMesh<double, 3, QuadTraits>

ITK Quad-Edge Mesh


Definition at line 37 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadMeshIteratorGeom

using volcart::QuadMeshIteratorGeom = typedef QuadMeshQE::IteratorGeom

ITK QEM Geometry Iterator

Definition at line 70 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadMeshQE

using volcart::QuadMeshQE = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::QEType


Definition at line 67 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadPixel

using volcart::QuadPixel = typedef std::array<double, 3>

ITK QEM Vertex/Pixel base properties

Definition at line 17 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadPoint

using volcart::QuadPoint = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::PointType

ITK QEM Vertex

Definition at line 40 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadPointIdentifier

using volcart::QuadPointIdentifier = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::PointIdentifier


Definition at line 43 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadPointsContainer

using volcart::QuadPointsContainer = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::PointsContainer

ITK QEM Point Container

Definition at line 55 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadPointsInCellIterator

using volcart::QuadPointsInCellIterator = typedef QuadCell::PointIdIterator

ITK QEM Vertex ID In Cell Iterator

Definition at line 64 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadPointsInMeshIterator

using volcart::QuadPointsInMeshIterator = typedef QuadEdgeMesh::PointsContainer::ConstIterator

ITK QEM Point Container Iterator

Definition at line 58 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadTraits

using volcart::QuadTraits = typedef itk::QuadEdgeMeshExtendedTraits< QuadVector, 3, 2, double, double, QuadVector, bool, bool>

ITK QEM Mesh base properties

Definition at line 23 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadTriangleCell

using volcart::QuadTriangleCell = typedef itk::TriangleCell<QuadCell>

ITK QEM Triangular Face

Definition at line 52 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ QuadVector

using volcart::QuadVector = typedef itk::Vector<double, 3>

ITK QEM Cell Pixel base properties

Definition at line 20 of file QuadEdgeMesh.hpp.

◆ StructureTensor

using volcart::StructureTensor = typedef cv::Matx33d

StructureTensor type

Definition at line 28 of file StructureTensor.hpp.

◆ Vec3iHash

using volcart::Vec3iHash = typedef Vec3Hash<cv::Vec3i>

Hash for cv::Vec3i

Definition at line 41 of file HashFunctions.hpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ DictionaryEntryType

enum class volcart::DictionaryEntryType

Possible types for Dictionary entries

Definition at line 42 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ Direction

enum class volcart::Direction

Neighborhood directional filtering options.


Only consider data in the negative normal direction.


Consider data in both the positive and negative normal.


Only consider data in the positive normal direction.

Definition at line 25 of file NeighborhoodGenerator.hpp.

◆ MemoryStringFormat

enum class volcart::MemoryStringFormat

Definition at line 17 of file MemorySizeStringParser.hpp.

Function Documentation

◆ AlmostEqual()

template<typename T , std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point< T >::value, bool > = true>
auto volcart::AlmostEqual ( const T  lhs,
const T  rhs,
epsAbs = static_cast<T>(DEFAULT_MAX_DIFFERENCE),
epsRel = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 
) -> bool

Compare if two floating-point numbers are "almost equal".

Two numbers are "almost equal" if the absolute difference between the numbers is below the absolute error epsMax or if the absolute difference is smaller than epsRel% of the largest input parameter.

This method should not be assumed to be good for comparing against zero. Depending on the circumstance, either an absolute or relative difference might be preferable.
lhsLeft operand
rhsRight operand
epsAbsMaximum absolute difference. Useful when comparing numbers close to 0.
epsRelMaximum relative difference.

Definition at line 49 of file FloatComparison.hpp.

◆ ApplyLUT()

cv::Mat volcart::ApplyLUT ( const cv::Mat &  img,
const cv::Mat &  lut,
float  min,
float  mid,
float  max,
bool  invert = false 

Apply a LUT to an image.

Maps the pixel values of an image to the range of a LUT. LUT must be a cv::Mat with shape $(1, bins)$. Input images should be CV_8U, CV_16U, or CV_32F. Inputs with more than one channel will be converted to grayscale prior to mapping.

This overload provides two linear maps. Pixel values in the range $[min, mid)f$ will be mapped to the bin range $[0, bins / 2)f$ and values in the range $[mid, max)f$ will be mapped to the bin range
$[bins / 2, bins)f$. This is useful if you want to map a specific value to the midpoint of a LUT (e.g. ColorMap::BWR). If invert is true, the bin mapping will be reversed.

◆ ApplyTransform()

template<class PointSetT >
auto volcart::ApplyTransform ( const PointSetT &  ps,
const Transform3D::Pointer transform 
) -> PointSetT

Apply a transform to a PointSet.

Definition at line 11 of file TransformsImpl.hpp.

◆ BarycentricToCartesian()

cv::Vec3d volcart::BarycentricToCartesian ( const cv::Vec3d &  pt,
const cv::Vec3d &  triA,
const cv::Vec3d &  triB,
const cv::Vec3d &  triC 

Convert a barycentric coordinate relative to the given triangle to a Cartesian coordinate.

ptBarycentric coordinate
triAPosition of the first vertex in the triangle
triBPosition of the second vertex in the triangle
triCPosition of the third vertex in the triangle

◆ CartesianToBarycentric()

cv::Vec3d volcart::CartesianToBarycentric ( const cv::Vec3d &  pt,
const cv::Vec3d &  triA,
const cv::Vec3d &  triB,
const cv::Vec3d &  triC 

Convert a Cartesian coordinate to barycentric coordinate relative to the given triangle.

ptCartesian coordinate
triAPosition of the first vertex in the triangle
triBPosition of the second vertex in the triangle
triCPosition of the third vertex in the triangle

◆ ComputeSubvoxelEigenPairs()

EigenPairs volcart::ComputeSubvoxelEigenPairs ( const Volume::Pointer volume,
double  x,
double  y,
double  z,
int  radius = 1,
int  kernelSize = 3 

Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the structure tensor for a subvoxel position.

The structure tensor is calculated from the gradient of a cubic subvolume centered around the provided point. The size of this subvolume is defined by radius.

The kernelSize must be one of the following: 1, 3, 5, 7. If kernelSize = 3, the Scharr operator will be used to calculate the gradient, otherwise the Sobel operator will be used.

More information about the structure tensor can be found on Wikipedia.

radiusRadius of subvolume used to calculate structure tensor
kernelSizeSize of the gradient kernel

This version computes the structure tensor for subvoxel positions within the volume.

◆ ComputeSubvoxelNeighbors()

template<typename DType >
Tensor3D< DType > volcart::ComputeSubvoxelNeighbors ( const Volume::Pointer volume,
const cv::Vec3d &  center,
int  rx,
int  ry,
int  rz,
const cv::Vec3d &  xvec = {1, 0, 0},
const cv::Vec3d &  yvec = {0, 1, 0},
const cv::Vec3d &  zvec = {0, 0, 1} 

Get an axis-aligned cuboid subvolume centered on a subvoxel.

Definition at line 170 of file StructureTensor.hpp.

◆ ComputeSubvoxelStructureTensor()

StructureTensor volcart::ComputeSubvoxelStructureTensor ( const Volume::Pointer volume,
double  vx,
double  vy,
double  vz,
int  radius = 1,
int  kernelSize = 3 

Compute the structure tensor for a subvoxel position.

The structure tensor is calculated from the gradient of a cubic subvolume centered around the provided point. The size of this subvolume is defined by radius.

The kernelSize must be one of the following: 1, 3, 5, 7. If kernelSize = 3, the Scharr operator will be used to calculate the gradient, otherwise the Sobel operator will be used.

More information about the structure tensor can be found on Wikipedia.

radiusRadius of subvolume used to calculate structure tensor
kernelSizeSize of the gradient kernel

This version computes the structure tensor for subvoxel positions within the volume.

◆ ComputeVoxelEigenPairs()

EigenPairs volcart::ComputeVoxelEigenPairs ( const Volume::Pointer volume,
int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
int  radius = 1,
int  kernelSize = 3 

Compute the eigenvalues and eigenvectors from the structure tensor for a voxel position.

The structure tensor is calculated from the gradient of a cubic subvolume centered around the provided point. The size of this subvolume is defined by radius.

The kernelSize must be one of the following: 1, 3, 5, 7. If kernelSize = 3, the Scharr operator will be used to calculate the gradient, otherwise the Sobel operator will be used.

More information about the structure tensor can be found on Wikipedia.

radiusRadius of subvolume used to calculate structure tensor
kernelSizeSize of the gradient kernel

◆ ComputeVoxelNeighbors()

template<typename DType >
Tensor3D< DType > volcart::ComputeVoxelNeighbors ( const Volume::Pointer volume,
const cv::Vec3i &  center,
std::int32_t  rx,
std::int32_t  ry,
std::int32_t  rz 

Get an axis-aligned cuboid subvolume centered on a voxel.

centerCenter position of the subvolume
rxRadius of the subvolume X-axis
ryRadius of the subvolume Y-axis
rzRadius of the subvolume Z-axis

Definition at line 142 of file StructureTensor.hpp.

◆ ComputeVoxelStructureTensor()

StructureTensor volcart::ComputeVoxelStructureTensor ( const Volume::Pointer volume,
int  vx,
int  vy,
int  vz,
int  radius = 1,
int  kernelSize = 3 

Compute the structure tensor for a voxel position.

The structure tensor is calculated from the gradient of a cubic subvolume centered around the provided point. The size of this subvolume is defined by radius.

The kernelSize must be one of the following: 1, 3, 5, 7. If kernelSize = 3, the Scharr operator will be used to calculate the gradient, otherwise the Sobel operator will be used.

More information about the structure tensor can be found on Wikipedia.

radiusRadius of subvolume used to calculate structure tensor
kernelSizeSize of the gradient kernel

◆ DateTime()

auto volcart::DateTime ( ) -> std::string

Returns a string representation of the current date and time.


Code from here.

Definition at line 26 of file DateTime.hpp.

◆ DeepCopy()

auto volcart::DeepCopy ( const ITKMesh::Pointer &  input,
bool  copyVertices = true,
bool  copyFaces = true 
) -> ITKMesh::Pointer

Create exact copy of ITKMesh.

Copy vertex and face information from the input mesh into the output mesh. The resulting mesh is a unique (i.e. memory independent) copy of the original.

◆ DurationFromString()

template<typename Duration = std::chrono::milliseconds>
auto volcart::DurationFromString ( const std::string &  str) -> Duration

Convert a duration string to a a std::chrono duration.

Accepts strings with ordered combinations of #h, #m, #s, and #ms. Examples: 10s, 500ms, 1m30s.

Template Parameters
DurationOutput duration type
strInput string

Definition at line 97 of file DateTime.hpp.

◆ DurationToString()

template<typename Rep , typename Period >
auto volcart::DurationToString ( std::chrono::duration< Rep, Period >  input) -> std::string

Returns a string representation of the provided time duration.

Format: dd:hh:mm:ss

Code from here.

Definition at line 44 of file DateTime.hpp.

◆ memmap_supported()

auto volcart::memmap_supported ( ) -> bool

Whether memory mapping is available on this platform

◆ MemmapFile()

auto volcart::MemmapFile ( const filesystem::path &  path) -> mmap_info

Memory map a file.

If successful, mmap_info will contain the address and size required to unmap the file with UnmapFile. If memory mapping fails for any reason, mmap_info will be empty. This can be checked with mmap_info::operator bool():

auto info = MemmapFile("image.txt");
if(not info) {
// handle memory mapping failed
auto MemmapFile(const filesystem::path &path) -> mmap_info
Memory map a file.

◆ MemorySizeStringParser()

std::size_t volcart::MemorySizeStringParser ( const std::string &  s)

Converts strings describing memory sizes to byte values.

Takes a string of the form [integer](K|M|G|T)B and returns the number of bytes described by the string. Values without a character suffix are assumed to be bytes.

Examples: Input: "1", Output: 1 Input: "1KB", Output: 1024 Input: "1K", Output: 1024 Input: "1M", Output: 1048576

◆ operator*()

auto volcart::operator* ( const Transform3D::Pointer lhs,
const Transform3D::Pointer rhs 
) -> Transform3D::Pointer

Compose transform convenience operator.

Same as Transform3D::Compose but only returns the composed transform. If composition fails for any reason, will throw an exception.

std::invalid_argumentif lhs or rhs are not composable
std::runtime_errorif transform composition failed

◆ operator<<()

template<typename T >
std::ostream & volcart::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const RangeIterable< T > &  it 

Convenience method for printing RangeIterables

Definition at line 128 of file Iteration.hpp.

◆ partition()

static auto volcart::partition ( std::string_view  s,
std::string_view  sep 
) -> std::tuple<std::string, std::string, std::string>

Partition a string by a separator substring.

Definition at line 223 of file String.hpp.

◆ ReadImage()

auto volcart::ReadImage ( const filesystem::path &  path) -> cv::Mat

Read an image from the specified path.

Currently just a wrapper around:

cv::imread(path.string(), cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);

◆ ReadMesh()

auto volcart::ReadMesh ( const filesystem::path &  path) -> MeshReaderResult

Read a mesh from a file.

Uses the file extension to determine which mesh reader is used (e.g. OBJReader, PLYReader, etc.).

pathInput file path

◆ split()

template<typename... Ds>
static std::vector< std::string > volcart::split ( const std::string &  s,
const Ds &...  ds 

Split a string by a delimiter.

Definition at line 179 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_bool()

static auto volcart::to_bool ( const std::string &  s) -> bool

Convert a string to a bool.

Definition at line 60 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_lower() [1/2]

static std::string volcart::to_lower ( std::string &&  s)

Convert string characters to lower case (r-value)

Definition at line 46 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_lower() [2/2]

static void volcart::to_lower ( std::string &  s)

Convert string characters to lower case (in place)

Definition at line 39 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_lower_copy()

static std::string volcart::to_lower_copy ( std::string  s)

Convert string characters to lower case (copy)

Definition at line 53 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_padded_string()

template<typename Integer , std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< Integer >, bool > = true>
auto volcart::to_padded_string ( Integer  val,
const int  padding,
const char  fill = '0' 
) -> std::string

Convert an Integer to a padded string.

Definition at line 247 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_upper() [1/2]

static std::string volcart::to_upper ( std::string &&  s)

Convert string characters to upper case (r-value)

Definition at line 25 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_upper() [2/2]

static void volcart::to_upper ( std::string &  s)

Convert string characters to upper case (in place)

Definition at line 18 of file String.hpp.

◆ to_upper_copy()

static std::string volcart::to_upper_copy ( std::string  s)

Convert string characters to upper case (copy)

Definition at line 32 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim() [1/2]

static std::string volcart::trim ( std::string &&  s)

Trim from both ends (r-value)


Definition at line 160 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim() [2/2]

static void volcart::trim ( std::string &  s)

Trim from both ends (in place)


Definition at line 149 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_copy()

static std::string volcart::trim_copy ( std::string  s)

Right trim (copy)


Definition at line 171 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_left() [1/2]

static std::string volcart::trim_left ( std::string &&  s)

Left trim (r-value)


Definition at line 89 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_left() [2/2]

static void volcart::trim_left ( std::string &  s)

Left trim (in place)


Definition at line 76 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_left_copy()

static std::string volcart::trim_left_copy ( std::string  s)

Left trim (copy)


Definition at line 100 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_right() [1/2]

static std::string volcart::trim_right ( std::string &&  s)

Right trim (r-value)


Definition at line 127 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_right() [2/2]

static void volcart::trim_right ( std::string &  s)

Right trim (in place)


Definition at line 111 of file String.hpp.

◆ trim_right_copy()

static std::string volcart::trim_right_copy ( std::string  s)

Right trim (copy)


Definition at line 138 of file String.hpp.

◆ UnmapFile()

auto volcart::UnmapFile ( mmap_info mmap_info) -> int

Unmap a memory mapped file.

On success, returns 0. If mmap_info.addr == nullptr, mmap_info.size <= 0, or memory mapping is unsupported by the platform, does nothing and returns -1. If unmapping fails, logs an error and returns a platform-specific error code:

  • (Linux/macOS) Returns errno set by munmap.

◆ WriteImage()

void volcart::WriteImage ( const filesystem::path &  path,
const cv::Mat &  img,
WriteImageOpts  = {} 

Write image to the specified path.

Uses volcart::WriteTIFF for all tiff images, which includes support for transparency and floating-point images. Otherwise, uses cv::imwrite.


◆ WriteImageSequence()

template<class Iterable >
void volcart::WriteImageSequence ( const filesystem::path &  path,
const Iterable &  iterable,
const WriteImageOpts opts = {} 

Definition at line 49 of file ImageIO.hpp.

◆ WriteMesh()

void volcart::WriteMesh ( const filesystem::path &  path,
const ITKMesh::Pointer &  mesh,
const UVMap::Pointer uv = nullptr,
const cv::Mat &  texture = cv::Mat(),
const MeshWriterOpts opts = {} 

Write a mesh to a file.

Uses the provided file extension to determine which mesh writer is used (e.g. OBJWriter, PLYWriter, etc.).

pathOutput file path
meshMesh to write
uvUVMap for the provided mesh. Required to write a textured mesh.
textureTexture image mapped by the provided UV Map. Required to write a textured mesh.

Variable Documentation


constexpr AnnotationFlag volcart::ANNO_ANCHOR = 0x0001

Definition at line 17 of file Annotation.hpp.


constexpr AnnotationFlag volcart::ANNO_MANUAL = 0x0002

Definition at line 18 of file Annotation.hpp.


constexpr AnnotationFlag volcart::ANNO_NONE = 0x0000

Definition at line 16 of file Annotation.hpp.


constexpr AnnotationFlag volcart::ANNO_USED_IN_RUN = 0x0004

Definition at line 19 of file Annotation.hpp.


constexpr double volcart::DEFAULT_MAX_DIFFERENCE = 1e-7

Definition at line 27 of file FloatComparison.hpp.

◆ IsFileType

constexpr auto volcart::IsFileType = io::FileExtensionFilter

Convenience alias for FileExtensionFilter

Definition at line 51 of file FileFilters.hpp.

◆ IsUnixHiddenFile

constexpr auto volcart::IsUnixHiddenFile = io::UnixHiddenFileFilter

Convenience alias for UnixHiddenFileFilter

Definition at line 54 of file FileFilters.hpp.


const cv::Vec2d volcart::NULL_MAPPING {-1, -1}

Null/Undefined UV Mapping

Definition at line 18 of file UVMap.hpp.

◆ V1

const Dictionary volcart::V1
Initial value:
{"volumepkg name", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"version", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"width", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"height", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"number of slices", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"slice location", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"min", DictionaryEntryType::Double},
{"max", DictionaryEntryType::Double},
{"voxelsize", DictionaryEntryType::Double}

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v1.

Definition at line 105 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ V2

const Dictionary volcart::V2
Initial value:
{"volumepkg name", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"version", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"width", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"height", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"number of slices", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"slice location", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"min", DictionaryEntryType::Double},
{"max", DictionaryEntryType::Double},
{"voxelsize", DictionaryEntryType::Double},

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v2.

Definition at line 90 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ V3

const Dictionary volcart::V3
Initial value:
{"volumepkg name", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"version", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"width", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"height", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"number of slices", DictionaryEntryType::Int},
{"slice location", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"min", DictionaryEntryType::Double},
{"max", DictionaryEntryType::Double},
{"voxelsize", DictionaryEntryType::Double},

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v3.

Definition at line 75 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ V4

const Dictionary volcart::V4 = V5

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v4.

Definition at line 72 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ V5

const Dictionary volcart::V5 = V6

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v5

Definition at line 69 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ V6

const Dictionary volcart::V6 = V7

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v6.

Definition at line 66 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.

◆ V7

const Dictionary volcart::V7
Initial value:
{"name", DictionaryEntryType::String},
{"version", DictionaryEntryType::Int},

Metadata dictionary for VolumePkg v7.

Definition at line 58 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.


const Library volcart::VERSION_LIBRARY
Initial value:
= {{1, V1}, {2, V2}, {3, V3}, {4, V4},
{5, V5}, {6, V6}, {7, V7}}
const Dictionary V7
const Dictionary V4
const Dictionary V1
const Dictionary V6
const Dictionary V5
const Dictionary V2
const Dictionary V3

Global Library used to store all template Dictionaries.

Definition at line 122 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.


constexpr int volcart::VOLPKG_VERSION_LATEST = 7

Volume Package version generated by this release

Definition at line 36 of file VolumePkgVersion.hpp.


const auto volcart::ZERO_STRUCTURE_TENSOR
Initial value:
StructureTensor(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
cv::Matx33d StructureTensor

Zero-valued StructureTensor

Definition at line 31 of file StructureTensor.hpp.