Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
Classes | Functions
volcart::meshing Namespace Reference

Mesh generation and modification library. More...


class  ACVD
 Mesh resampling using Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams. More...
class  CalculateNormals
 Calculate vertex normals for ITK Meshes. More...
class  LaplacianSmooth
 Apply Laplacian smoothing to a mesh. More...
class  OrderedPointSetMesher
 Generate an ordered mesh from an OrderedPointSet. More...
class  OrderedResampling
 Resample an ITKMesh using point ordering information. More...
class  OrientNormals
 Orient vertex normals towards a reference point. More...
class  UVMapToITKMesh
 Convert a UVMap to a mesh. More...


void ITK2VTK (ITKMesh::Pointer input, vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > output)
 Convert from an ITKMesh to VTK PolyData. More...
auto ITK2VTK (ITKMesh::Pointer input) -> vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >
 Convert from an ITKMesh to VTK PolyData. More...
void VTK2ITK (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > input, ITKMesh::Pointer output)
 Convert from a VTK PolyData to an ITKMesh. More...
auto VTK2ITK (vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData > input) -> ITKMesh::Pointer
 Convert from a VTK PolyData to an ITKMesh. More...
void ScaleMesh (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, const ITKMesh::Pointer &output, double scaleFactor)
 Scale an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor. More...
ITKMesh::Pointer ScaleMesh (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, double scaleFactor)
 Scale an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor. More...
ITKMesh::Pointer SmoothNormals (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, double radius)
 Smooth vertex normals within a specified radius. More...

Detailed Description

Mesh generation and modification library.

Function Documentation


auto volcart::meshing::ITK2VTK ( ITKMesh::Pointer  input) -> vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >

Convert from an ITKMesh to VTK PolyData.

Copy vertices, vertex normals, and faces (cells) from input to output.

See also
examples/src/ITK2VTKExample.cpp meshing/test/ITK2VTKTest.cpp

◆ ScaleMesh()

ITKMesh::Pointer volcart::meshing::ScaleMesh ( const ITKMesh::Pointer &  input,
double  scaleFactor 

Scale an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor.

Uniform scaling of an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor (not an area scale factor). Initializes a new ITKMesh.


auto volcart::meshing::VTK2ITK ( vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolyData >  input) -> ITKMesh::Pointer

Convert from a VTK PolyData to an ITKMesh.

Copy vertices, vertex normals, and faces (cells) from input to output.

See also
examples/src/ITK2VTKExample.cpp meshing/test/ITK2VTKTest.cpp