27 std::vector<double>
69 std::vector<Voxel>
double resamplePerc = 1.0);
72 std::vector<Voxel>
sample(std::size_t numPoints)
Fits a curve to a set of points for resampling.
Voxel operator()(int index) const
Returns the voxel located at index.
std::vector< Voxel > resample(double resamplePerc=1.0)
Resample the curve at a t-interval of resamplePerc.
const std::vector< Voxel > & points() const
Return the current list of resampled points.
std::vector< double > curvature(int hstep=1) const
Calculate the local curvature along the spline.
std::size_t size() const
Return the current number of resampled points in the spline.
std::vector< Voxel > sample(std::size_t numPoints) const
Resample the curve to have numPoints of evenly spaced points.
const decltype(spline_) & spline() const
Return the spline created from the input points.
std::vector< Voxel > evenlySpacePoints()
Evenly resample the curve with the same number of points as the input set.
double arclength() const
Calculate the arc length of the curve
std::vector< double > ts_
FittedCurve(const std::vector< Voxel > &vs, int zIndex)
Construct curve from set of points and z-Index.
CubicSpline< double > spline_
Pixel eval(double t) const
Resample the curve at a given t-value in [0.0, 1.0].
std::vector< Voxel > points_
Simple spline wrapper around Eigen::Spline.
Segmentation algorithms and utilities library