Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
Namespaces | Functions
ITKMesh.hpp File Reference
#include <itkMesh.h>
#include <itkPointsLocator.h>
#include <itkTriangleCell.h>
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namespace  volcart
 Volume Cartographer library


ITK Mesh
using volcart::ITKPixel = itk::Vector< double, 3 >
using volcart::ITKMeshTraits = itk::DefaultStaticMeshTraits< ITKPixel, 3, 3, double, double, ITKPixel >
using volcart::ITKMesh = itk::Mesh< ITKPixel, 3, ITKMeshTraits >
using volcart::ITKPoint = ITKMesh::PointType
using volcart::ITKCell = ITKMesh::CellType
using volcart::ITKTriangle = itk::TriangleCell< ITKCell >
using volcart::ITKPointsContainer = ITKMesh::PointsContainer
using volcart::ITKPointsLocator = itk::PointsLocator< ITKPointsContainer >
using volcart::ITKPointIterator = ITKPointsContainer::ConstIterator
using volcart::ITKCellIterator = ITKMesh::CellsContainer::Iterator
using volcart::ITKPointInCellIterator = ITKCell::PointIdIterator


void volcart::DeepCopy (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, const ITKMesh::Pointer &output, bool copyVertices=true, bool copyFaces=true)
 Create exact copy of ITKMesh. More...
auto volcart::DeepCopy (const ITKMesh::Pointer &input, bool copyVertices=true, bool copyFaces=true) -> ITKMesh::Pointer
 Create exact copy of ITKMesh. More...