65 int numCols,
int numRows,
double a,
double b,
double dTheta,
double dH);
Base class for shape generators.
Spiral (i.e. scroll-like) surface shape.
void construct_spiral_(int numCols, int numRows, double a, double b, double dTheta, double dH)
Spiral(double arcLength, double height, int numPts, int numCurves, double a=0.5, double b=0.1)
Constructor parameterized for number of points along the spiral and the number of spirals.
Spiral(double arcLength, double height, double a=0.5, double b=0.1, double dTheta=0.25, double dH=1.0)
Constructor parameterized for angular offset and distance between spirals.
Shape and mesh primitives.