Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
▼Core | Library containing fundamental VC data types and operations |
IO | Read and write commonly used data types |
Landmarks | Landmark classes for labeling volume features |
Math | Mathematical operations |
Neighborhood Generators | Generate volumetric neighborhoods |
Shape Generators | Generate basic 3D objects for testing mesh operations |
Types | Core types and data structures |
Utilities | Miscellaneous utility functions |
App Support | Support classes for making applications |
Meshing | Library for mesh creation, manipulation, resampling, and conversion |
▼Segmentation | Library for volume segmentation algorithms |
▼Local Reslice Particle Simulation | Local Reslice Particle Simulation (LRPS) segmentation |
Derivative Library | A small derivative library that handles calculating derivatives up to the second order |
Structure Tensor Particle Simulation | Structure Tensor Particle Simulation (STPS) segmentation |
▼Rendering | Library for creating UV maps and textured meshes |
Parameterization | Mesh parameterizations/UV maps |
Texturing | Texture generation |
Graph processing | Library of graph processing nodes |