84 const FittedCurve& curve,
int index,
int windowSize);
A collection of energy metrics for evaluating a FittedCurve.
static double LocalWindowedArcLength(const FittedCurve &curve, int index, int windowSize)
Calculate the arc length of the curve within a window centered at a point along the curve.
static double TotalEnergy(const FittedCurve &curve, double alpha, double k1, double k2, double beta, double delta)
Combinatorial energy metric for a FittedCurve.
static double AbsCurvatureSum(const FittedCurve &curve)
Sum of the absolute value of local curvature at each point along the curve.
static double ActiveContourInternal(const FittedCurve &curve, double k1, double k2)
Calculate the active contour internal energy of a FittedCurve.
static double WindowedArcLength(const FittedCurve &curve, int windowSize)
Average LocalWindowedArcLength() across the entire curve.
Fits a curve to a set of points for resampling.
Segmentation algorithms and utilities library