7#include <smgl/Graph.hpp>
56 [[nodiscard]]
auto graph() const -> std::shared_ptr<smgl::Graph>;
60 mutable std::shared_ptr<smgl::Graph>
Base class for objects stored on disk with an associated metadata file.
auto path() const -> filesystem::path
Get the path to the object.
std::string Identifier
Identifier type.
auto name() const -> std::string
Get the human-readable name for the object.
std::shared_ptr< smgl::Graph > graph_
auto graph() const -> std::shared_ptr< smgl::Graph >
Get the stored render graph.
Render(filesystem::path path)
Load a Render from file.
std::shared_ptr< Render > Pointer
static auto New(filesystem::path path) -> Pointer
static auto New(filesystem::path path, Identifier uuid, std::string name) -> Pointer
Render(filesystem::path path, Identifier uuid, std::string name)
Make a new Render in a directory.
Volume Cartographer library