Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 Cvolcart::meshing::ACVDMesh resampling using Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams
 Cadl_serializer< cv::Mat_< T > >
 Cadl_serializer< cv::Matx< T, M, N > >
 Cadl_serializer< cv::Vec< T, Cn > >
 Cvolcart::texturing::AlignmentMarkerGeneratorAdd 2D alignment markers to textured meshes
 Cvolcart::AnnotationSegmentation annotation
 Cvolcart::BoundingBox< T, Dim, typename >Generic axis-aligned bounding box class for operations in N-dimensions
 Cvolcart::BoundingBox< double, 3 >
 Cvolcart::Cache< TKey, TValue >Abstract Base Class for Key-Value Caches
 Cvolcart::meshing::CalculateNormalsCalculate vertex normals for ITK Meshes
 Cvolcart::Signal< Types >::Connection
 Cvolcart::Range2DIterable< T, >::Counting2DIterator< ItT >
 Cvolcart::RangeIterable< T, >::CountingIterator< ItT >
 Cvolcart::DiskBasedObjectBaseClassBase class for objects stored on disk with an associated metadata file
 Cvolcart::segmentation::EnergyMetricsA collection of energy metrics for evaluating a FittedCurve
 Cvolcart::EnumerateIterable< Iterable >
 Cvolcart::EnumerateIterable< Iterable >::EnumerateIterator< T >
 Cvolcart::segmentation::FittedCurveFits a curve to a set of points for resampling
 Cvolcart::segmentation::ForceChainA simple class for tracking a list of offset vectors ("forces")
 Cvolcart::PointSetIO< T >::HeaderPointSet file header information
 Cvolcart::segmentation::IntensityMapA class representing the intensity map generated from a row of a matrix, normalized to the range [0, 1]
 Cvolcart::IterationsProgressMixin type for classes which report their progress
 Cvolcart::meshing::LaplacianSmoothApply Laplacian smoothing to a mesh
 Cvolcart::texturing::AlignmentMarkerGenerator::LineSegmentDefines a marker intersection line segment
 Cvolcart::texturing::LStretchMetricsL stretch error metric output struct
 Cvolcart::MeshReaderResultResult for ReadMesh
 Cvolcart::MeshWriterOptsGeneral options for WriteMesh
 Cvolcart::MetadataGeneric interface for storing metadata as key/value pairs
 Cvolcart::mmap_infoMemmap record
 Cvolcart::NDArray< T >Dynamically-allocated N-Dimensional Array
 Cvolcart::NDArray< double >
 Cvolcart::NeighborhoodGeneratorBase class for neighborhood generating classes
 Cvolcart::io::OBJReaderRead an OBJ file into a volcart::ITKMesh
 Cvolcart::io::OBJWriterWrite an ITKMesh to an OBJ file
 Cvolcart::meshing::OrderedPointSetMesherGenerate an ordered mesh from an OrderedPointSet
 Cvolcart::meshing::OrderedResamplingResample an ITKMesh using point ordering information
 Cvolcart::meshing::OrientNormalsOrient vertex normals towards a reference point
 Cvolcart::segmentation::ParticleA simple particle class
 Cvolcart::segmentation::ParticleChainA simple class for keeping track of a connected chain of Particle objects
 Cvolcart::PerPixelMapA raster of a UVMap that provides a per-pixel mapping between a Volume and a Texture generated from that volume
 Cvolcart::io::PLYReaderRead a PLY file to an ITKMesh
 Cvolcart::io::PLYWriterWrite an ITKMesh to a PLY file
 Cvolcart::PointSet< T >Holds a collection of points
 Cvolcart::PointSet< cv::Vec3d >
 Cvolcart::PointSet< cv::Vec3i >
 Cvolcart::PointSet< cv::Vec6d >
 Cvolcart::PointSetIO< T >Read and write PointSet and OrderedPointSet
 Cvolcart::texturing::ProjectMeshGenerates a PerPixelMap by projecting a mesh onto an image plane
 Cvolcart::Range2DIterable< T, >Provides an iterable range of 2D number pairs with optional step size
 Cvolcart::RangeIterable< T, >Provides an iterable range of numbers with optional step size
 Cvolcart::ResliceAn image generated by intersecting a plane with a Volume
 Cvolcart::texturing::ScaleMarkerGeneratorAdd a scale marker (ruler or reference image) to a Texture image
 Cvolcart::shapes::ShapePrimitiveBase class for shape generators
 Cvolcart::Signal< Types >Basic signal class for implementing event callbacks
 Cvolcart::Signal< std::size_t >
 Cvolcart::Signal< volcart::PointSet >
 Cvolcart::SkyscanMetadataIORead a Skyscan metadata log
 Cvolcart::segmentation::Spline< Scalar, Degree >Simple spline wrapper around Eigen::Spline
 Cvolcart::segmentation::Spline< double >
 Cvolcart::Tensor3D< DType >A 3rd-order tensor object
 Cvolcart::TexturedMeshConvenience type for textured meshes
 Cvolcart::Transform3DBase class for 3D transforms
 Cvolcart::UVMapStores per-vertex UV mappings
 Cvolcart::meshing::UVMapToITKMeshConvert a UVMap to a mesh
 Cvolcart::Vec3Hash< Vector >
 Cvolcart::landmarks::VolumeLandmarkBase class for Volume Landmark types
 Cvolcart::VolumeMaskPer-voxel Segmentation State Mask for Volumes
 Cvolcart::VolumePkgThe interface to the VolumePkg (.volpkg) file format
 Cvolcart::VolumetricMaskStores per-voxel mask information for a volume