Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NvolcartVolume Cartographer library
 NioIO classes
 NlandmarksVolume landmark classes
 NmeshingMesh generation and modification library
 NsegmentationSegmentation algorithms and utilities library
 NshapesShape and mesh primitives
 NtexturingTexturing and parameterization algorithms and utilities library
 CABFNodeParameterize a mesh using ABF++.
 CAffineTransform3D affine transform
 CAlignUVMapToAxisNodeRotate a UVMap to align a specified volume axis to the -V direction of UV space.
 CAnnotationSegmentation annotation
 CApplyTransformNodeTemplate node for applying 3D transforms to objects
 Cauto_mmap_infoMemmap record which automatically unmaps the file on destruction
 CBoundingBoxGeneric axis-aligned bounding box class for operations in N-dimensions
 CCacheAbstract Base Class for Key-Value Caches
 CCalculateNeighborhoodRadiusNodeAuto-calculate a texturing neighborhood's 3D radius in voxels given the expected layer thickness and the texturing Volume's voxel size
 CCalculateNumVertsNodeCalculate the number of vertices required to produce a particular resampling density factor
 CCompositeTextureNodeGenerate a texture image using a variety of composite volume filters.
 CCompositeTransformCollection of transforms
 CCuboidGeneratorClass for generating box-like neighborhoods from a point in a Volume
 CDiskBasedObjectBaseClassBase class for objects stored on disk with an associated metadata file
 CFlatteningErrorNodeCalculate the L2 and LInf stretch between a 2D and 3D mesh.
 CFlipUVMapNodeFlip a UVMap across one or both of its axes.
 CIdentityTransformIdentity transform
 CIntegralTextureNodeGenerate a Texture by taking the discrete integral (summation) of the neighborhood adjacent to a point.
 CIntersectionTextureNodeGenerate a Texture by intersection with a Volume.
 CInvertTransformNodeReturn the inverted transform.
 CIOExceptionIO operation exception
 CIterationsProgressMixin type for classes which report their progress
 CLaplacianSmoothMeshNodeApply Laplacian smoothing to a mesh.
 CLayerTextureNodeGenerate a Texture of layered images.
 CLineGeneratorClass for generating line-like neighborhoods from a point in a Volume
 CLoadImageNodeRead an image from the specified path.
 CLoadMeshNodeRead a mesh from a file.
 CLoadPPMNodeRead a PerPixelMap from disk.
 CLoadTransformNodeLoad a transform from a JSON file.
 CLoadVolumePkgNodeLoad a VolumePkg from disk
 CLoadVolumetricMaskNodeLoad a VolumetricMask from a .vcps file
 CLRUCacheLeast Recently Used Cache
 CMeshingNodeGenerate an ordered mesh from an OrderedPointSet.
 CMeshPropertiesNodeRetrieve Mesh properties (e.g. number of vertices, number of faces, etc.)
 CMeshReaderResultResult for ReadMesh
 CMeshWriterOptsGeneral options for WriteMesh
 CMetadataGeneric interface for storing metadata as key/value pairs
 Cmmap_infoMemmap record
 CNDArrayDynamically-allocated N-Dimensional Array
 CNeighborhoodGeneratorBase class for neighborhood generating classes
 CNeighborhoodGeneratorNodeConfigure a NeighborhoodGenerator for use by a texturing algorithm
 COrderedPointSetHolds a collection of ordered points
 COrientNormalsNodeOrient vertex normals towards a reference point.
 COrthographicFlatteningNodeComputes a 2D parameterization of a triangular mesh using orthographic projection.
 CPerPixelMapA raster of a UVMap that provides a per-pixel mapping between a Volume and a Texture generated from that volume
 CPlotLStretchErrorNodePlot per-face L stretch error metrics.
 CPlotUVMapNodePlot the UV points on an image.
 CPointSetHolds a collection of points
 CPointSetIORead and write PointSet and OrderedPointSet
 CPPMGeneratorNodeGenerates a PerPixelMap from an ITKMesh and a UVMap.
 CPPMPropertiesNodeRetrieve PerPixelMap properties (e.g. mask, cell map, etc.)
 CRange2DIterableProvides an iterable range of 2D number pairs with optional step size
 CRangeIterableProvides an iterable range of numbers with optional step size
 CRenderRender data
 CResampleMeshNodeMesh resampling using Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams.
 CResliceAn image generated by intersecting a plane with a Volume
 CRotateUVMapNodeRotate a UVMap by a multiple of 90 degrees.
 CScaleMeshNodeScale an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor.
 CSegmentationSegmentation data
 CSegmentationPropertiesNodeRetrieve Segmentation properties (e.g. pointset)
 CSegmentationSelectorNodeGet a Segmentation by uuid.
 CSignalBasic signal class for implementing event callbacks
 CSkyscanMetadataIORead a Skyscan metadata log
 CTensor3DA 3rd-order tensor object
 CTexturedMeshConvenience type for textured meshes
 CThicknessTextureNodeGenerate a Texture using the thickness of the segmented layer.
 CTransform3DBase class for 3D transforms
 CTransformMeshNodeApply a transform to an ITKMesh
 CTransformPPMNodeApply a transform to a PerPixelMap
 CTransformSelectorNodeGet a transform by ID.
 CUVMapStores per-vertex UV mappings
 CUVMapToMeshNodeConvert a UVMap to a mesh.
 CVolumeVolumetric image data
 CVolumeMaskPer-voxel Segmentation State Mask for Volumes
 CVolumePkgThe interface to the VolumePkg (.volpkg) file format
 CVolumePkgPropertiesNodeRetrieve VolumePkg properties (e.g. name, version, etc.)
 CVolumePropertiesNodeSet/Retrieve Volume properties (voxel size, bounds, etc.)
 CVolumeSelectorNodeGet a Volume by uuid.
 CVolumetricMaskStores per-voxel mask information for a volume
 CWriteImageNodeWrite image to the specified path.
 CWriteMeshNodeWrite a mesh to a file.
 CWritePPMNodeWrite a PerPixelMap to disk.
 Cadl_serializer< cv::Mat_< T > >
 Cadl_serializer< cv::Matx< T, M, N > >
 Cadl_serializer< cv::Vec< T, Cn > >