►Nvolcart | Volume Cartographer library |
Ncolor | Color constants |
►Nexperimental | Experimental algorithms and utilities library |
Nmeshing | Experimental meshing algorithms library |
Ntexturing | Experimental texturing algorithms library |
Nfilesystem | Alias for std::filesystem |
►Nio | IO classes |
COBJReader | Read an OBJ file into a volcart::ITKMesh |
COBJWriter | Write an ITKMesh to an OBJ file |
CPLYReader | Read a PLY file to an ITKMesh |
CPLYWriter | Write an ITKMesh to a PLY file |
►Nlandmarks | Volume landmark classes |
CPlaneLandmark | Boundless plane volume landmark |
CPointLandmark | 3D Point volume landmark |
CPolylineLandmark | Polyline (multi-segment line) volume landmark |
CVolumeLandmark | Base class for Volume Landmark types |
Nlogging | Logging utilities |
►Nmeshing | Mesh generation and modification library |
CACVD | Mesh resampling using Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams |
CCalculateNormals | Calculate vertex normals for ITK Meshes |
CLaplacianSmooth | Apply Laplacian smoothing to a mesh |
COrderedPointSetMesher | Generate an ordered mesh from an OrderedPointSet |
COrderedResampling | Resample an ITKMesh using point ordering information |
COrientNormals | Orient vertex normals towards a reference point |
CUVMapToITKMesh | Convert a UVMap to a mesh |
Nmeshmath | Mesh mathematical operations |
►Nsegmentation | Segmentation algorithms and utilities library |
CChainSegmentationAlgorithm | Base class for segmentation algorithms that propagate a collected chain of points |
CComputeVolumetricMask | Compute a VolumetricMask from a PointSet |
CEnergyMetrics | A collection of energy metrics for evaluating a FittedCurve |
CFittedCurve | Fits a curve to a set of points for resampling |
CForceChain | A simple class for tracking a list of offset vectors ("forces") |
CIntensityMap | A class representing the intensity map generated from a row of a matrix, normalized to the range [0, 1] |
CLocalResliceSegmentation | Local Reslice Particle Simulation (LRPS) segmentation |
COpticalFlowSegmentation | Optical Flow Segmentation |
CParticle | A simple particle class |
CParticleChain | A simple class for keeping track of a connected chain of Particle objects |
CRegionGrowingSegmentationAlgorithmBaseClass | Base class for segmentation algorithms that create a segmentation by growing from a set of seed points |
CSpline | Simple spline wrapper around Eigen::Spline |
CStructureTensorParticleSim | Structure Tensor Particle Simulation (STPS) segmentation |
CThinnedFloodFillSegmentation | ThinnedFloodFillSegmentation |
►Nshapes | Shape and mesh primitives |
CArch | Half-circle arch shape |
CCone | Cone shape |
CCube | Cube shape |
CPlane | Planar surface shape |
CShapePrimitive | Base class for shape generators |
CSphere | Icosphere shape |
CSpiral | Spiral (i.e. scroll-like) surface shape |
Ntesting | Project testing utilities library |
►Ntexturing | Texturing and parameterization algorithms and utilities library |
►CAlignmentMarkerGenerator | Add 2D alignment markers to textured meshes |
CLineSegment | Defines a marker intersection line segment |
CAngleBasedFlattening | Parameterize a mesh using ABF++ |
CCompositeTexture | Generate a texture image using a variety of composite volume filters |
CFlatteningAlgorithm | |
CIntegralTexture | Generate a Texture by taking the discrete integral (summation) of the neighborhood adjacent to a point |
CIntersectionTexture | Generate a Texture by intersection with a Volume |
CLayerTexture | Generate a Texture of layered images |
CLStretchMetrics | L stretch error metric output struct |
COrthographicProjectionFlattening | Computes a 2D parameterization of a triangular mesh using orthographic projection |
CPPMGenerator | Generates a PerPixelMap from an ITKMesh and a UVMap |
CProjectMesh | Generates a PerPixelMap by projecting a mesh onto an image plane |
CScaleMarkerGenerator | Add a scale marker (ruler or reference image) to a Texture image |
CTexturingAlgorithm | |
CThicknessTexture | Generate a Texture using the thickness of the segmented layer |
CABFNode | Parameterize a mesh using ABF++. |
CAffineTransform | 3D affine transform |
CAlignUVMapToAxisNode | Rotate a UVMap to align a specified volume axis to the -V direction of UV space. |
CAnnotation | Segmentation annotation |
CApplyTransformNode | Template node for applying 3D transforms to objects |
Cauto_mmap_info | Memmap record which automatically unmaps the file on destruction |
CBoundingBox | Generic axis-aligned bounding box class for operations in N-dimensions |
CCache | Abstract Base Class for Key-Value Caches |
CCalculateNeighborhoodRadiusNode | Auto-calculate a texturing neighborhood's 3D radius in voxels given the expected layer thickness and the texturing Volume's voxel size |
CCalculateNumVertsNode | Calculate the number of vertices required to produce a particular resampling density factor |
CCannySettings | |
CCompositeTextureNode | Generate a texture image using a variety of composite volume filters. |
CCompositeTransform | Collection of transforms |
CCuboidGenerator | Class for generating box-like neighborhoods from a point in a Volume |
CDiskBasedObjectBaseClass | Base class for objects stored on disk with an associated metadata file |
►CEnumerateIterable | |
CEnumerateIterator | |
CFlatteningErrorNode | Calculate the L2 and LInf stretch between a 2D and 3D mesh. |
CFlipUVMapNode | Flip a UVMap across one or both of its axes. |
CIdentityTransform | Identity transform |
CIntegralTextureNode | Generate a Texture by taking the discrete integral (summation) of the neighborhood adjacent to a point. |
CIntersectionTextureNode | Generate a Texture by intersection with a Volume. |
CInvertTransformNode | Return the inverted transform. |
CIOException | IO operation exception |
CIterationsProgress | Mixin type for classes which report their progress |
CLaplacianSmoothMeshNode | Apply Laplacian smoothing to a mesh. |
CLayerTextureNode | Generate a Texture of layered images. |
CLineGenerator | Class for generating line-like neighborhoods from a point in a Volume |
CLoadImageNode | Read an image from the specified path. |
CLoadMeshNode | Read a mesh from a file. |
CLoadPPMNode | Read a PerPixelMap from disk. |
CLoadTransformNode | Load a transform from a JSON file. |
CLoadVolumePkgNode | Load a VolumePkg from disk |
CLoadVolumetricMaskNode | Load a VolumetricMask from a .vcps file |
CLRUCache | Least Recently Used Cache |
CMeshingNode | Generate an ordered mesh from an OrderedPointSet. |
CMeshPropertiesNode | Retrieve Mesh properties (e.g. number of vertices, number of faces, etc.) |
CMeshReaderResult | Result for ReadMesh |
CMeshWriterOpts | General options for WriteMesh |
CMetadata | Generic interface for storing metadata as key/value pairs |
Cmmap_info | Memmap record |
CNDArray | Dynamically-allocated N-Dimensional Array |
CNeighborhoodGenerator | Base class for neighborhood generating classes |
CNeighborhoodGeneratorNode | Configure a NeighborhoodGenerator for use by a texturing algorithm |
CNoOpMutex | |
COrderedPointSet | Holds a collection of ordered points |
COrientNormalsNode | Orient vertex normals towards a reference point. |
COrthographicFlatteningNode | Computes a 2D parameterization of a triangular mesh using orthographic projection. |
►CPerPixelMap | A raster of a UVMap that provides a per-pixel mapping between a Volume and a Texture generated from that volume |
CCoord2D | |
CPixelMap | |
CPlotLStretchErrorNode | Plot per-face L stretch error metrics. |
CPlotUVMapNode | Plot the UV points on an image. |
CPointSet | Holds a collection of points |
►CPointSetIO | Read and write PointSet and OrderedPointSet |
CHeader | PointSet file header information |
CPPMGeneratorNode | Generates a PerPixelMap from an ITKMesh and a UVMap. |
CPPMPropertiesNode | Retrieve PerPixelMap properties (e.g. mask, cell map, etc.) |
CProjectInfo | |
►CRange2DIterable | Provides an iterable range of 2D number pairs with optional step size |
CCounting2DIterator | |
►CRangeIterable | Provides an iterable range of numbers with optional step size |
CCountingIterator | |
CRender | Render data |
CResampleMeshNode | Mesh resampling using Approximated Centroidal Voronoi Diagrams. |
CReslice | An image generated by intersecting a plane with a Volume |
CRotateUVMapNode | Rotate a UVMap by a multiple of 90 degrees. |
CScaleMeshNode | Scale an ITKMesh by a linear scale factor. |
CSegmentation | Segmentation data |
CSegmentationPropertiesNode | Retrieve Segmentation properties (e.g. pointset) |
CSegmentationSelectorNode | Get a Segmentation by uuid. |
►CSignal | Basic signal class for implementing event callbacks |
CConnection | |
►CSimpleMesh | |
CCell | |
CVertex | |
CSkyscanMetadataIO | Read a Skyscan metadata log |
CTensor3D | A 3rd-order tensor object |
CTexturedMesh | Convenience type for textured meshes |
CThicknessTextureNode | Generate a Texture using the thickness of the segmented layer. |
CTransform3D | Base class for 3D transforms |
CTransformMeshNode | Apply a transform to an ITKMesh |
CTransformPPMNode | Apply a transform to a PerPixelMap |
CTransformSelectorNode | Get a transform by ID. |
►CUVMap | Stores per-vertex UV mappings |
CRatio | |
CUVMapToMeshNode | Convert a UVMap to a mesh. |
CVec3Hash | |
CVolume | Volumetric image data |
CVolumeMask | Per-voxel Segmentation State Mask for Volumes |
CVolumePkg | The interface to the VolumePkg (.volpkg) file format |
CVolumePkgPropertiesNode | Retrieve VolumePkg properties (e.g. name, version, etc.) |
CVolumePropertiesNode | Set/Retrieve Volume properties (voxel size, bounds, etc.) |
CVolumeSelectorNode | Get a Volume by uuid. |
CVolumetricMask | Stores per-voxel mask information for a volume |
CWriteImageNode | Write image to the specified path. |
CWriteImageOpts | |
CWriteImageSequenceNode | |
CWriteMeshNode | Write a mesh to a file. |
CWritePPMNode | Write a PerPixelMap to disk. |