Volume Cartographer 2.27.0
Classes | Namespaces
texturing.hpp File Reference
#include <cstdint>
#include <limits>
#include <opencv2/core.hpp>
#include <smgl/Node.hpp>
#include "vc/core/filesystem.hpp"
#include "vc/core/neighborhood/NeighborhoodGenerator.hpp"
#include "vc/core/types/ITKMesh.hpp"
#include "vc/core/types/PerPixelMap.hpp"
#include "vc/core/types/UVMap.hpp"
#include "vc/core/types/Volume.hpp"
#include "vc/core/types/VolumePkg.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/AngleBasedFlattening.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/CompositeTexture.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/FlatteningError.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/IntegralTexture.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/IntersectionTexture.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/LayerTexture.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/OrthographicProjectionFlattening.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/PPMGenerator.hpp"
#include "vc/texturing/ThicknessTexture.hpp"
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class  volcart::ABFNode
 Parameterize a mesh using ABF++. More...
class  volcart::OrthographicFlatteningNode
 Computes a 2D parameterization of a triangular mesh using orthographic projection. More...
class  volcart::FlatteningErrorNode
 Calculate the L2 and LInf stretch between a 2D and 3D mesh. More...
class  volcart::PlotLStretchErrorNode
 Plot per-face L stretch error metrics. More...
class  volcart::PPMGeneratorNode
 Generates a PerPixelMap from an ITKMesh and a UVMap. More...
class  volcart::CalculateNeighborhoodRadiusNode
 Auto-calculate a texturing neighborhood's 3D radius in voxels given the expected layer thickness and the texturing Volume's voxel size. More...
class  volcart::NeighborhoodGeneratorNode
 Configure a NeighborhoodGenerator for use by a texturing algorithm. More...
class  volcart::CompositeTextureNode
 Generate a texture image using a variety of composite volume filters. More...
class  volcart::IntersectionTextureNode
 Generate a Texture by intersection with a Volume. More...
class  volcart::IntegralTextureNode
 Generate a Texture by taking the discrete integral (summation) of the neighborhood adjacent to a point. More...
class  volcart::ThicknessTextureNode
 Generate a Texture using the thickness of the segmented layer. More...
class  volcart::LayerTextureNode
 Generate a Texture of layered images. More...


namespace  volcart
 Volume Cartographer library